For two sets of numbers, the Excel RSQ function computes the square of the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient.

Syntax :

=RSQ( known_y’sknown_x’s )

Parameters :

  • The known y’s and known x’s are two equal-length arrays containing numeric values.

Step By Step Guide of RSQ Function

Example :

The spreadsheet on the right has two arrays of values in columns A and B. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation squared The Excel Rsq function may be used to determine the coefficient of the values in columns A and B of the spreadsheet, as shown below: RSQ = RSQ ( A2:A9, B2:B9 ) This yields the result 0.71166629. #N/A-Occurs if the lengths of the given known y’s and known y’s arrays disagree.

  • #N/A – Occurs if the lengths of the given known y’s and known y’s arrays disagree.
  • #DIV/0! – Occurs if one or both of the given arrays contain fewer than two numeric values. or The standard deviation of the values in one or both of the provided arrays is zero.

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