The kurtosis of a collection of numbers is calculated using the Excel KURT function.

Syntax :

=KURT( number1[number2], …)

Parameters :

The number arguments are a minimum of four data values for which you want to calculate the kurtosis.
Each of the number arguments can be an individual numeric value or an array of values. These can be supplied to the Kurt function either: directly; as values (or arrays of values) returned from other formulas;
as references to cells containing values.

Step By Step Guide of KURT Function

Example :

The kurtosis of the values in spreadsheet column A may be determined using the Excel Kurt function as follows: KURT = ( A1:A12 ) This yields the value 0.532657874, suggesting a significantly peaked distribution (compared to the normal distribution).

  • #DIV/0! –Happens if either: The given data set has less than four data points; the sample standard deviation of the supplied data set is 0.
  • #VALUE! – This error occurs if any of the number parameters passed directly to the function are not recognised as numeric values.
    (However, if the Kurt function is given a reference to a range of cells, all text values within that range are simply ignored and the function does not yield an error.)

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