The Imdiv function in Excel computes the quotient of two complex values (i.e. divides one complex number by another).

Syntax :

=IMDIV( inumber1inumber2 )

Parameters :

  • You wish to divide inumber1 by inumber2, and the inumber arguments are Complex Numbers.

Step By Step Guide of IMDIV Function

Example :

The Excel Imdiv function is used in the spreadsheet below to calculate the quotient of four distinct pairings of complex values.
The complex number 6+0i is equivalent to the integer 6 in cell B3; the example in cell B4 utilises the Excel Complex Function to generate the complex numbers 5+2i and i.

  • #NUM! – This error occurs if either the inumber2 argument is equal to 0 or either of the given inumber arguments is not a valid complex number.
  • #VALUE! – This happens if any of the given inumber arguments is logical value.

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