The Excel Dmin function determines the smallest value in a field (column) in a database for a subset of the entries. A collection of one or more user-specified criteria defines the records to be included in the computation.

Syntax :

=DMIN ( database, field, criteria )

Parameters :

  • The following are the arguments:

Database :

  • A set of cells that contains the database. The field names should be specified in the database’s top row.

Field :

  • The database field (column) that you wish to have the bare minimum of. This can be a field number or the field name (i.e. the header in the top row of the database) surrounded by quotations (e.g. “Area”, “Quarter”, etc).

Criterion :

  • A set of cells containing the criteria for determining which records should be included in the computation. The range can include one or more criteria, which are displayed in one cell as a field name and the condition for that field in the cell below.

E.g. :


Step By Step Guide of DMIN Function

Example :

If we wanted to discover the lowest Science score from pupils above the age of eight in the sample database, we could use the Dmin function, as shown below. The conditions are stated in cells G1 – H2 in the example, and the Dmin formula is shown in cell G3: The Dmin function above computes the minimum value in fields E10 and E13 and so returns the value 48 percent. It’s worth noting that, in the preceding function, instead of putting “Score,” we might have just used the number 5.

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