The Sec function in Excel computes the secant of a given angle.

Syntax :

=SEC( number )

Parameters :

  • The angle (in radians) to compute the secant of is specified in the number argument. This number must be between -227 and +227.

Step By Step Guide of SEC Function

Example :

The spreadsheet below depicts the Excel Sec function, which was used to determine the Secant of four distinct angles:
In cell A3, the Excel Pi method is used to supply the function with the value 4; in cell A4, the Excel Radians method is used to transform the angle of 45 degrees into trigonometric functions before passing it to the Sec function.

  • #NUM! – This error occurs if the given number is less than -227 or larger than 227.
  • #VALUE! – This error message appears if the provided number is not recognised as a numeric value.

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