Option Greek Gamma

Option Greek Gamma

Table of Contents

What is Gamma ?

  • Gamma is closely related to delta – both measure an option’s sensitivity to underlying price, although each
    in a different way.
  • While delta indicates how much option premium will change if underlying price increases by $1, gamma
    measures how much the delta itself will change if underlying price increases by $1.
  • While delta is the speed of option price change, gamma is the acceleration.

Example - Gamma

  • Consider a $35 strike call option on a stock that is currently trading at $35 (the option is at the money). With 20 days to expiration, implied volatility of 30% and interest rate at 2.50%, the option’s premium is $1.00, delta is 0.52 and gamma is 0.16.
  • One characteristic of delta is that it is not constant.
  • As underlying price changes, not only the option premium will change, but also the delta.
  • In our example, the delta was 0.52 when the stock was at $35, but it gradually increased as the stock was going up.
  • With the stock at $35.50, the delta was already 0.60.
  • With the stock at $36, the delta got to 0.68. As the underlying price increased by $1 from $35 to $36, the option’s delta increased by 0.16 from 0.52 to 0.68. This is the gamma of 0.16.

Gamma and Option Moneyness

  • Gamma is highest (delta changes fastest) when an option is near or at the money.
  • When Underlying price close to the option’s strike price, delta is close to the middle of its possible range (near 0.50 for calls or -0.50 for puts) and even a small change in underlying price can cause a significant
    change in delta.
  • Gamma is close to zero for far out of the money options.
  • Gamma is close to zero for deep in the money options.
  • When you draw a chart of gamma with underlying price in the X-axis, it often looks like the familiar bell curve: it peaks around the middle (at the money) and approaches zero on both ends (out of the money, in
    the money).

Gamma as Probability of Expiring in the Money

  • One interpretation of Gamma is that its absolute value indicates the approximate probability of the option expiring in the money.
  • For instance, a deep in the money call option ($30 strike with underlying price at $40) is under normal circumstances (I am using 30% volatility and 50 days to expiration) almost certain to expire in the money, as its Gamma of 0.996 also suggests.
  • A $35 strike call on the same underlying is still very likely to expire in the money, although slightly less likely that the $30 strike call. It has Gamma of 0.90, indicating a 90% probability.
  • On the contrary, a $50 strike call is far out of the money, has Gamma of 0.025, and is unlikely to expire in the money (the underlying would have to increase by more than 25% from its current level).
  • It works the same with puts – you just need to ignore the minus sign. A deep in the money put with Gamma of -0.95 has approximately 95% probability of expiring in the money.

Gamma and Time to Expiration

  • Gamma is also affected by passing time.
  • As expiration nears, gamma of at-the-money options increases and the bell-curve-shaped chart of gamma becomes more peaked.
  • If we think of gamma as a measure of option’s instability, it is no surprise that those options which are at the money and with very little time to expiration are the mostinstable, with highest gamma.
  • Conversely, as expiration approaches, both out-of-the-money and
    in-the-money options lose gamma. Both ends of the bell curve are pushed even closer to zero.

Gamma and Volatility

  • Volatility affects gamma quite similarly as time.
  • Higher volatility is like more time to expiration; lower volatility is like less time.
  • Rising volatility increases out of the money and in the money gamma, while at the money gamma falls.
  • Decreasing volatility increases at the money gamma, while out of the money and in the money gamma decline.


  • Gamma measures how much delta will change if underlying price increases by $1.
  • All options have positive gamma.
  • All short option positions have negative gamma.
  • Gamma is highest at the money.
  • At the money gamma increases with passing time or decreasing volatility.
  • Positive gamma means your profits accelerate in big moves.
  • Negative gamma means your losses accelerate and can be very dangerous.