The Excel Imcot function computes the cotangent of a complex number.

Syntax :

=IMCOT( inumber )

Parameters :

  • The inumber input is the complex integer whose cotangent you wish to compute.

Step By Step Guide of IMCOT Function

Example :

Column B of the following spreadsheet has four distinct Imcot function examples. Each example has a distinct way for supplying the complex number to the function.
The real number 0.5, used in cell B1, is identical to the complex number 0.5+0i; the example in cell B4 utilises the Excel Complex Function to construct the complex number 1-i.

  • #NUM! – Occurs if the given inumber parameter is not accepted as a complex number.
  • #VALUE! – Occurs if the given inumber parameter is a logical value.

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